Links that I read and liked.
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- Stop just using “Frontend” or “Backend” to describe the Engineering you like
- You Can't Not Have a Framework
- This doesn't warrant a blog post
- Because I wanted to
- Layered Architectures with Laravel
- Don't Sleep on AbortController
- Building a Proper REST API
- How I would do auth
- Card Stack
- Counterscale and the New Self-Hosted
- Deconstructing the Monolith: Designing Software that Maximizes Developer Productivity
- Ultimate guide to multi-tenant SaaS data modeling
- Migrating from Radix to React Aria: Improving Accessibility and UX
- Creating a pointer-friendly submenu experience
- Building like it's 1984: A comprehensive guide to creating intuitive context menus
- Building future facing frontend architectures
- Navigating the future of frontend
- Margin considered harmful
- In Loving Memory of Square Checkbox
- The Copenhagen Book
- Documenting Architecture Decisions
- Parallelized Decision Making
- I miss RSS
- RSC is React Server + Component | bobae kang
- Passkey-Based Auth in Remix (feat. Alex Anderson) - YouTube
- Remix Movies: build a movie browser with Remix - YouTube
- Trellix: build a Trello clone using Remix - YouTube
- Designing better target sizes
- Kind of annoyed at React
- Increasingly miffed about the state of React releases
- The Website vs. Web App Dichotomy Does Not Exist
- Make the indie web easier
- Why Fetch Promise Does Not Reject on Error Responses
- A Well-Known Links Resource - Jim Nielsen’s Blog
- The OG Social Network: Other People’s Websites - Jim Nielsen’s Blog
- Rationale for a Browser-Level Color Scheme Preference - Jim Nielsen’s Blog
- A Well Known URL For Your Personal Avatar - Jim Nielsen’s Blog
- React Aria
- Stop Lying to Your Users | Epic Web Dev by Kent C. Dodds
- Challenging Established Norms: Making Component Fetching the Exception
- Be the browser’s mentor, not its micromanager
- The ideal viewport doesn’t exist
- My thoughts on open-source
- Social RSS
- The fediverse and the indieweb
- Blogging as DRY
- Everything You Can Test In Your Laravel Application
- Dear Open Source: let’s do a better job of asking for money
- Don't make me think, or why I switched to Rails from JavaScript SPAs
- Generating income from open source
- Client-side JavaScript and React criticism: What comes next?
- Fast and maintainable patterns for fetching from a database
- A Theory of Web Relativity
- Streaming: is it worth it?
- Prioritise content over components
- Overcoming Popular Issues With React Projects
- 💿 remix simplifies things
- Progressively enhance for a more resilient web
- Get in Zoomer, We're Saving React
- What if your Index Page was Smart?
- Building websites for Safari Reader Mode and other reading apps
- How to Section Your HTML
- Block Links: The Search for a Perfect Solution
- Debug your server-side Remix code using VSCode
- Device-Agnostic
- Using rel=preload for responsive images
- How to avoid layout shifts caused by web fonts
- “Guys, we’re doing pagination wrong…”
- Why Remix doesn’t infer types from loaders for useLoaderData
- Survivorship Bias in Web Performance
- The "best" way to manage icons in React.js
- Live validation is problematic
- Stop building client-side forms
- Why Decentralization Isn't as Important as You Think
- When You Stop Counting
- Why I Quit Google to Work for Myself
- Don’t Build A General Purpose API To Power Your Own Front End
- Why You Should Never Use MongoDB
- A Case For Use Cases
- People read on the web
- Why we use progressive enhancement to build GOV.UK
- Building a resilient frontend using progressive enhancement
- I Want To Confirm a Prompt That We Stay Alert
- Browsers and Representation
- Google vs. the web
- Back to the Bad Old Days of the Web
- The Mythical Document Web
- Breaking the web forward
- Back to the Future with RSS
- Client-Side Architecture Basics
- Organizing App Logic with the Clean Architecture
- Implementing DTOs, Mappers and the Repository Pattern
- Screaming Architecture
- Better Software Design with Application Layer Use Cases
- Anemic Domain Model
- Value Objects - DDD w/ TypeScript
- iOS 15, Humane
- Don't overabstract your components
- Meta Theme Color and Trickery
- Imagining native skip links
- Rails design patterns - The big picture
- Before You memo()
- Implement a Skip Link for Navigation-Heavy Sites
- Meaningful Motion with Action-Driven Animation
- An Interactive Guide to CSS Transitions
- Preload: What Is It Good For?
- The unreasonable effectiveness of simple HTML
- Open Peeps
- System Design 101
- A primer on investing for designers and developers
- In Critical Defense of Frontend Develop
- Be Wary of Nesting Roles
- Accessible SVGs
- dotCSS 2019 - Sarah Dayan - In Defense of Utility-First CSS
- Alt-texts: The Ultimate Guide
- Polymorphic React Components in TypeScript
- CSS and Scalability
- The UI and UX Tips Collection: Volume One.
- Practical React Query
- Don't design for mobile
- Stop Using “Drop-down”
- Decoupling, Architecture and Teams
- The Lava Layer Anti-Pattern
- UI as an afterthought
- In 2020, what is "frontend" 🤨
- How React Query gives you almost everything you thought you needed GraphQL for
- Wormhole state management
- Todo el software está roto
- What is the Value of Browser Diversity?
- Margins and Composability in CSS
- Nailing Your First (Info-Product) Launch
- Defining Component APIs in React
- The Modern Front-End Design System Stack
- Building the New with React, GraphQL and Relay
- Architecting UIs for Change
- When frontend means full stack
- Building a Button Part 2: Hover Interactions
- Building a Button Part 1: Press Events
- About HTML semantics and front-end architecture
- "Semantic" CSS
- CSS Utility Classes and "Separation of Concerns"
- Second-guessing the modern web
- A clean start for the web
- Writing Type-Safe Polymorphic React Components (Without Crashing TypeScript)
- Using SwiftUI's Spacer to Create Complex Layouts
- Most tech content is bullshit
- The Art of UI Skeletons
- How to Design a Web Application: Software Architecture 101
- Shared Hook State with SWR
- Testing in the Frontend World
- The Real Dark Web
- The Elements of UI Engineering
- frontend design, react, and a bridge over the great divide
- The Great Divide
- We have a problem with promises
- Taming the asynchronous beast with ES7
- The Fault in Our Tolerance: Accounting for Failures in React
- 7 Principles of Rich Web Applications
- 🌱 My blog is a digital garden, not a blog
- Shape Up: Stop Running in Circles and Ship Work that Matters
- How the Blog Broke the Web
- Turning the database inside-out with Apache Samza
- Design Systems and Front-End Architecture by Stuart Robson
- How to Section Your HTML
- write on your own website
- Going Indie. Step 2: Reclaiming Content
- Just write
- The Documentation Compendium
- Why Text Buttons Hurt Mobile Usability
- Bulletproof node.js project architecture 🛡️
- The Power of Sensible Defaults
- HTML Reference
- CSS Reference
- The God Login
- Your Body Text Is Too Small
- Architecture as a burden
- The Architecture of Open Source Applications (Volume 2): Scalable Web Architecture and Distributed Systems
- Scaling React Server-Side Rendering
- Refactoring UI
- Cards
- Introducing Grial
- Aplicando estilos a Pulse Editor con styled-components
- Usando en aplicaciones de Next.js
- Depurando aplicaciones de Node.js v8.0.0
- Personalizando Babel.js en aplicaciones de Next.js
- Creando botones propios para Pulse Editor
- Te presentamos la nueva versión de Node.js
- Creando sitios estáticos con Next.js
- Implementando Pulse Editor
- Aplicación de escritorio Pulse
- Presentamos Pulse Editor
- Crea aplicaciones de escritorio con Electron y Next.js
- Implementa Progressive server-side render con Next.js
- Next.js, el futuro de las aplicaciones con React
- Manejo de dependencias JavaScript con Yarn
- Deploy y orquestación de microservicios con
- Introducción a JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
- ¿Qué es y para qué sirve Babel?
- Desarrollando aplicaciones de escritorio con Electron.js
- ¿Qué es una aplicación isomórfica?
- Crea microservicios en Node.js con micro.js
- Usando React.js en el servidor con Django
- Estado inmutable con Redux e Immutable.js
- Componentes de Alto Orden en React.js
- Obteniendo datos en aplicaciones de Redux
- Usando Redux en el servidor con
- Creando código modular con ducks de Redux
- Renderizando aplicaciones de Redux en el servidor
- Manejo de errores en Redux.js
- Migrando a Redux
- Ruteo en aplicaciones de Redux y React.js
- Glosario de términos de Redux
- Estructura de archivos Ducks para Redux.js
- Pruebas unitarias en Redux.js
- Acciones asíncronas en Redux.js
- Middlewares en Redux.js