Using Immer with SWR to mutate data
SWR comes with a nice function called mutate
that let you change the cached data for a given key, it comes with multiple different options but one of the nicest one is to pass a function, get the current data and update it, from anywhere.
import { mutate } from "swr" mutate("/api/me", user => ({ ...user, name: "Sergio" }))
This function update the name of the user cached as /api/me
, and if there is a component subscribed to that cache key it will trigger a revalidation, this is however something we can disable passing a false
as third argument.
If you see the example above we used restructuring to copy the user
object, this is required because SWR uses object reference to avoid unnecessary re-renders.
Enter Immer, this small lib let you mutate an object while performing an immutable change, let's see the example updated
import { mutate } from "swr" import produce from "immer' mutate("/api/me", produce(user => { = "Sergio" }))
This produce
function will receive a callback and it will execute it passing a "draft" copy of the object, in this draft we could mutate the object however we want, then produce will return a new function that receives the original object to mutate, it run our callback, and generate a new object with our changes applied, lastly it will return the new updated object.
Looks like a lot of work, and it is, however for the user of Immer it's only a few lines as we saw above, what will happen combined with mutate
is that the returned function will be passed to mutate
as we did before and it will receive the cached value, then it will return the updated value and it will update the cache, triggering a re-render of any component subscribed to that cache key.
And this is great because it allow use to implement Optimistic UI easier, let's see an example
import React from 'react' import useSWR, { mutate } from 'swr' import produce from "immer" async function fetcher(...args) { const res = await fetch(...args) return await res.json() } export default () => { const [text, setText] = React.useState(''); const { data } = useSWR('/api/data', fetcher) async function handleSubmit(event) { event.preventDefault() // in this mutate call we will optimistically update the UI mutate("/api/data", produce(draftData => { draftData.push(text) // here we push the new text }), false) // we don't trigger a revalidation // in this mutate call, we will POST the API and update the UI // if the update fails it will rollback the optimistic change await mutate('/api/data', await fetch('/api/data', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ text }) })) setText('') // after the update we clear the input } return <div> <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}> <input type="text" onChange={event => setText(} value={text} /> <button>Create</button> </form> <ul> {data ? => <li key={datum}>{datum}</li>) : 'loading...'} </ul> </div> }